Thursday, October 16, 2008

WEEK 19 - 33.5 Inches Around!!

I just grew a 1/2 inch around my belly in the last couple days. I started recording, and it has averaged about 1/2 inch per week. I feel the stretching, it really feels tight. One of my students told me today that my baby was 'really growing fast'!

I just stopped jogging this week, I felt like I was shaking the baby up! I am thinking walking might be the best, now. I still feel great and hope it lasts :)

It's a the doctor thinks!

Once we got home, we were so excited we could not decide who would open the gift. I couldn't do it! I closed my eyes and so did CJ, he pulled out the onesie, and I heard him laugh. When I opened my eyes I saw the boy onesie and was so surprised! I had a few instinct that it was girl, so I was way wrong. The doctor had written in the card: '70% chance a baseball player'. We had made him write a % and we think he was joking, because in the envelope he also included an ultrasound picture of the boy part. We plan on getting double confirmation at the next appointment, in a week!!

My student's voted what they thought it would be. 13 thought a girl, 12 a boy. One said I was going to have a girl because 'girls have girls'. When I told them all it was a boy, some cheered (those who voted BOY) and some sighed and moaned (those who voted GIRL). They really thought it was like a game :) the boy who said 'girls have girls' might be a little confused now!

CJ and I feel so excited to have a little more knowledge about our future with this little one. We love talking about it and calling the baby 'him'.

Boy????? OR Girl?????

Cj and I were very excited to find out whether our lives would include raising a boy, or raising a girl for our first experience at parenthood. We went to our last doctor's appointment last week ready to find out. I had heard drinking soda or OJ would help the baby move around so that the doctor could identify it's parts. So I did both!! I maybe drank too much of both, because my heart rate was higher than normal :) We decided not to have the doctor tell us there, but to have him write it on a card. We had brought a boy onesie and a girl onesie to the appointment, and had the nurses wrap the one that was identified in the card. We then went home and opened the 'gift' together. That drive from the office to our house was way too long!!